August 4, 2020, 7PM
Shakespeare and Co., New York City, Virtual

In conversation with Rachel Manley for the publication of her memoir of her grandfather, MY CAPTAIN AMERICA.

Info and registration HERE

August 7, 2020
Brookline Booksmith, Brookline, MA, Virtual

Register HERE

August 20, 2020
Astoria Bookshop, Queens, New York, Virtual

Links to come.

August 23, 2020
Powell’s Bookstore, Portland, OR, Virtual

In conversation by Jacque Nodell, author of How to Go Steady, curator of the blog Sequential Crush, and granddaughter of Martin Nodell, creator of the original Green Lantern.

Register HERE

September 3, 2020
Harvard Bookstore, Cambridge, MA, Virtual

Register HERE

September 5, 2020
Five Minute Reads, Facebook Live Event, Debuts 2020

September 14, 2020
Newton Free Library, MA

In conversation with author Tova Mirvis at the Newton Free Library.

Register HERE